Knowing the fear of the Lord we persuade men in Pittsburgh. This site is for those people that recieved a million dollar bill and need more information. I want many to go to Heaven and this site is to help many run to the savior.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Origins of Species
We handed out 1000 Origins of Species books today at University of Pittsburgh. The Book had a Gospel message in the Introduction. I am so very happy that everything went without issue. I had great fellowship and some wonderful Chineese food afterward. There was open air preaching and many peole stepped out of their comfort zone.
A lost sheep Mark was found today. Please pray for him.
A lost sheep Mark was found today. Please pray for him.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
God is Good.
I was reading today at the University of Pittsburgh and watched several people shaking their heads and shaking their fists. I have watched others do the same thing that I do and the people really act out toward those people. I am not sure why those other people create such an emotional response to those other people and do not act out toward me. I am very thankful that those people that do not agree with me just give me bad looks or turn there head. I wonder if I am not as good at what I do and that is why I do not end up with people yelling at me or if it is God being gentle with me.
Sometimes when I try to give out a gospel tract the person will take their hand closets to me and cross there hand almost put it on their opposite shoulder and turn their head away from me like I have a cuddies or something. I pray that someone today heard Gods world and God was glorified. There are many silly people in the world. I will have to pray for those people more. I have a goofy professor that does that every time I see him.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Project Ezera
I read every week for Project Ezera. I think it is a great out reach. People that would not normally hear Gods word get a chance to hear it. Gods word will never return void. I talk to lots of people about there faith every week. I never know the outcome. However when I read the word of God I know that it is God honoring. Reading a chapter to three chapters of the Bible every week really helps me get comfortable with hearing my own voice. It also helps by bringing up the things of God. I always practice reading the chapters ahead of time. The names of people and places can be difficult to read properly. You can join project Ezera on facebook. It is a great way to get your feet wet for open air preaching.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Kept brining me his friends
This is JuJu Quintro and Paris. I witnessed to Q and he then kept bringing me his frineds for me to witness to them. They are just a precious as can be. They each heard the gospel and I pray they get saved. They were at the corner all evening. When I was preaching I could hear them repeating what I was saying and playing preacher on the other side of the giant gurder. It was very sweet. They were out selling candy bars. I am not sure if it was for their Dad or what but I will pray for these three for a long time.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Signing up my son for Swimming Lessons
Went this morning to sign up my son for swimming lessions. As I was coming home I noticed a trunk sale. This is where people park and open their trunk and sell stuff out of it. So I thought I might be able to find an easel so that I would not have to make one. As I was walking and looking I heard what if What? I said to the older gental men what if you died today would you go to heaven or hell. He told me somewhere between. I walked him through the commandments which he told me he was guilty and then told me he would go somewhere between. He asked if going to Central Catholic would help him not go to hell I told him it would not help him at all. He called the teachers there a chose word and liars and then told me he would go somewhere between. I explained that the only way to heaven was if he trusted that Jesus died on the cross for his sins and that he had to trust in that and repented. I then witnessed to another older gentalmen who told me that his wife would go first and she was so good she was bound to go and he would just hang on to her shirt and get in too. I had a good conversation with him as well. I guess I did not got to find an easle. I went to witness. After I drove out I thought I should have handed out tracts there. Oh well 2 people heard the gospel.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
50 minutes
Last year I learned that 1 hour was not a waste. So now I have 50 minutes on Wednesdays and I will charish that time. I read for Project Ezera today and it went pretty good. A fellow Christian and police officer stopped by to listen and to encourage us. I witnessed to 3 people today that understood what I explained to them. Please pray for these 3 souls. Jews for Jesus were on Pitt campus today as well. They had "Jesus Loves You" shirts on. I did not get to talk to them at all. The time was very short but I get to serve the Lord still.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Fairy Circles
I have a big green circle in my yard. I figured it was not aliens. So I looked online and it turns out I have a humungus fungus. it is 10 feet in diamater. It is called a fairy Circle. Turns out there are fairy Circles that are serveral aecres in size and hundreds of years old.
I do not want one in my yard. So I went to Lowes to get Prostar. They did not have that so I got another fungus killer. I had my What if shirt on and the greeter greeted me on the way out with what if what? He was a very nice older gentalmen. I said what if you died today would you go to heaven or hell? He said he did not know. I said here is a quick test. Have you ever told a lie he said yes. I asked if he has ever stolen and he asked if a paper clip counted. I told him it did. I asked if he had every hated and he said he had. I told him that the Bible says if you hate someone you have murdered them in your heart. He said well I guess I am going to end up in the other place. I told him it gets worse. If you lust after a women you have commited adultry in you heart with her already. His eyes almost bugged out of his head. I asked him if he were to be judged by the 10 commandments would he be guilty or innocent. he thought out loud about the 10 commanments and he knew most of them. then he said guilty and When I asked if he would go to heaven or hell he told me that he was just as sure they did not exist as I was that they did.
I asked him if someone paid his fine would he want to know. He told me we were done with the conversation and did a 180 degree turn and faced the doors as if to say it was time I walked out of them. I said good bye.
I do not want one in my yard. So I went to Lowes to get Prostar. They did not have that so I got another fungus killer. I had my What if shirt on and the greeter greeted me on the way out with what if what? He was a very nice older gentalmen. I said what if you died today would you go to heaven or hell? He said he did not know. I said here is a quick test. Have you ever told a lie he said yes. I asked if he has ever stolen and he asked if a paper clip counted. I told him it did. I asked if he had every hated and he said he had. I told him that the Bible says if you hate someone you have murdered them in your heart. He said well I guess I am going to end up in the other place. I told him it gets worse. If you lust after a women you have commited adultry in you heart with her already. His eyes almost bugged out of his head. I asked him if he were to be judged by the 10 commandments would he be guilty or innocent. he thought out loud about the 10 commanments and he knew most of them. then he said guilty and When I asked if he would go to heaven or hell he told me that he was just as sure they did not exist as I was that they did.
I asked him if someone paid his fine would he want to know. He told me we were done with the conversation and did a 180 degree turn and faced the doors as if to say it was time I walked out of them. I said good bye.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Being disowned
Today I went to the Steelers Tailgate and I did a quick stoplight preaching over and over again at the red light. It goes something like this.
" The Million dollar question is if you died today would you go to heaven or would you go to hell. Here is a quick test. If you told 1 lie you are a liar. If you hated one person you are a murder and if you steal one thing you are a theif. If God judges you by the 10 commandments you would be guilty and go to hell. Jesus died on the cross for the sins of those that repent and put their trust in him. For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father but by me."
I was very nervious. I started out the evening by reading Isaiah 53 for Project Ezera. That got a little bit of the nerviousness out but I was nervious for about the first hour. Then my feet just hurt. The crowd was great. I was afraid that I would get hit or hurt but the crowd was great.
The worst part of the night was when my Mom pushed my aunt by the corner and even though I said hello they both looked away the entire time. My mom pushed my aunt accross the street in her wheel chair as fast as she could. I guess that is how you know you are a freak... Not even your own mother will acknowledge that she knows you.
Friday, September 4, 2009
I hope I remember his name. I believe it was Ethan or was it Ian. He was very sweet and he heard the gospel. I pray that he understood what I told him and repents and trusts in Jeus. Please pray for ths sweet guy.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
University of Pittsburgh
Lots of students have gotten the million dollar bill this year already. The one day I watched so many tracts go into the garbage that I decided I would read the tract to them over and over again with my PA. They can not throw the words I speak into the garbage. Last year I handed out tons of tracts down in Oakland and people started telling me that they had already gotten one. When I asked if they read it they said no. It just seems time to read it over the Pa system.
Many people tell me no I am good when I try to hand the tract to them. I think I will start asking them " Are you sure you are a good person?"
Many people tell me no I am good when I try to hand the tract to them. I think I will start asking them " Are you sure you are a good person?"
Saturday, August 29, 2009
64,000 people
64,000 people to witness to. We had several great conversations with people at the tailgates. The people were warm and listened to what we had to say. Not sure if anyone got saved but I believe a few people understand how to get into heaven now.
Monday, August 24, 2009
School is in session
This is Rich he used to be homeless and got saved. He told me a story about finding a million dollar bill at the Steelers tailgate when he was homeless. It was a good Story that made me very happy. Univeristy of Pittsburgh is in session and sometimes I even witness to people that are not from the University in Oakland. The students are great fun to interact with every week.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Today we were told by the doctors that my grandfather had 2-3 weeks to live. The day before we were looking into where he would live afterward and planning his recovery. Nothing changed in the last day and we all feel as if they knew better the day before that. He has been in the hospital for 2 weeks. They gave us a false hope. I do not want to do the same thing to other people.
The Bible says that It is appointed a man once to die and then the Judgement. Have no false hope God is going to judge you thought word and deed. The Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death. Death will arrest you, the law will condemn you and the Judge God that created the Universe will sentence you. The Bible tells us that he will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. How will you do? Have you ever taken Gods name in vain. Have you ever used Jesus name as a cuss word? If you have done that the Bible says you are guilty. No thief no murder and no adultery can enter the kingdom of heaven. Have you ever stolen anything? It does not matter the size or its value. If you have stolen something you are a thief and can not enter the kingdom of heaven. You must be thinking well I did not murder anyone. Well in 1 John 3:15 we are told that if you hate your brother you are a murder. Have you hated anyone? If you have then you have murdered them in your heart? The next one on the list is Adultery. Many may think well I am not even married I could not have done this one. Matthew 5:28 tells us if you lust after a person then you have committed adultery already in your heart with that person. How are you going to do on the day of Judgement. I do not want you to have false hope. I want to make sure you understand what is going to happen. The Bible tells us that all liars will have their place in the lake of fire. Have you ever said something that was not true? It does not matter about the color of the lie. If you told one you are a liar. In the book of James is tells us that if you break one commandment you are guilty of all of them. Gods standard is the 10 commandments. I just went through them with you. God is going to Judge you do not be fooled. He is not corrupt. God is rich in mercy and perfectly just. The only way that can be is if your punishment is paid for. God tells us that our good deeds are like dirty rages to him. If we pay our own fine it will be hell for eternity.
God can only forgive you if God pays your fine. This is how he can do that. God sent is only son Jesus Christ born of a virgin and he lived a perfect life. He always honored his parents. He never broke any of the commandments. He got up on the cross and died on the cross for those that repent and trust in him. God died on the cross and his name is Jesus of Nazareth. He was buried and on the 3rd day he was raised from the dead. Death could not hold him. He was seen by over 500 people. God commands everyone everywhere to repent and trust the Gospel. He tells us to confess and forsake our sins and trust that Jesus is fully God and fully man and died on the cross for those that trust in him. Please trust in him today. If you stand before the Creator of the Universe in your sins you are going to get justice and go to hell but if you stand in front of the Judge in Jesus then you will get Mercy and I am here today begging you to repent and pick mercy.
Now I am Innocent of you blood I did not hoodwink you I told you how it is going to happen. Please think about what you have heard today.
The Bible says that It is appointed a man once to die and then the Judgement. Have no false hope God is going to judge you thought word and deed. The Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death. Death will arrest you, the law will condemn you and the Judge God that created the Universe will sentence you. The Bible tells us that he will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. How will you do? Have you ever taken Gods name in vain. Have you ever used Jesus name as a cuss word? If you have done that the Bible says you are guilty. No thief no murder and no adultery can enter the kingdom of heaven. Have you ever stolen anything? It does not matter the size or its value. If you have stolen something you are a thief and can not enter the kingdom of heaven. You must be thinking well I did not murder anyone. Well in 1 John 3:15 we are told that if you hate your brother you are a murder. Have you hated anyone? If you have then you have murdered them in your heart? The next one on the list is Adultery. Many may think well I am not even married I could not have done this one. Matthew 5:28 tells us if you lust after a person then you have committed adultery already in your heart with that person. How are you going to do on the day of Judgement. I do not want you to have false hope. I want to make sure you understand what is going to happen. The Bible tells us that all liars will have their place in the lake of fire. Have you ever said something that was not true? It does not matter about the color of the lie. If you told one you are a liar. In the book of James is tells us that if you break one commandment you are guilty of all of them. Gods standard is the 10 commandments. I just went through them with you. God is going to Judge you do not be fooled. He is not corrupt. God is rich in mercy and perfectly just. The only way that can be is if your punishment is paid for. God tells us that our good deeds are like dirty rages to him. If we pay our own fine it will be hell for eternity.
God can only forgive you if God pays your fine. This is how he can do that. God sent is only son Jesus Christ born of a virgin and he lived a perfect life. He always honored his parents. He never broke any of the commandments. He got up on the cross and died on the cross for those that repent and trust in him. God died on the cross and his name is Jesus of Nazareth. He was buried and on the 3rd day he was raised from the dead. Death could not hold him. He was seen by over 500 people. God commands everyone everywhere to repent and trust the Gospel. He tells us to confess and forsake our sins and trust that Jesus is fully God and fully man and died on the cross for those that trust in him. Please trust in him today. If you stand before the Creator of the Universe in your sins you are going to get justice and go to hell but if you stand in front of the Judge in Jesus then you will get Mercy and I am here today begging you to repent and pick mercy.
Now I am Innocent of you blood I did not hoodwink you I told you how it is going to happen. Please think about what you have heard today.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Going to the Rite Aid
My grandfather had really bad cramps and we asked the nurse if we could have hot packs for his legs. She said that the hospital did not carrry those. I asked if I could go and get ones if they would use them and she said yes. I headed down the hallway and off to the Rite Aid at the bottom of the hill in Oakland. While walking down the hall I heard a women giving people directions to get to Rite Aid. She asked if I knew how to get there and I said sure Follow me I am headed there myself. They told me that their brother who is 32 had a stroke and they had to cut out his ceribelum and that he would have to learn to do all movement over again. She said he was lucky to be alive. I asked the Mom there was a whole family following me if she died today what would happen. She said she hoped she would go to heaven. I told her I would give her a quick test. I asked her if she had told a lie and she said yes. I asked if she had stolen anything and she said yes. I asked if she had used Gods name in vain and she said yes. I asked her if God Judged her by the 10 commandments would she be innocent or guilty and she said guilty and I asked her if she would go to heaven or Hell and she said hell. I explained that Jesus died on the cross for her sins and that to recieve payment for her sins she needed to repent and trust in Jesus on the cross. She said it was interesting that I talked to her about this since she had just been baptized the day before. I thought it was interesting that she did not know all of this before she got Baptized at the "Church of God"
God was in control of that trip to the rite aid. My Grandfathers nurse is using that hot pack that I bought at rite aid every day for him.
God was in control of that trip to the rite aid. My Grandfathers nurse is using that hot pack that I bought at rite aid every day for him.
Unsaved Grandfather

My grandfather is dieing and it has been very difficult. I witnessed to my grandfather and I should have done that earlier. He was unable to talk but he grabbed my face and kissed me. He is 85 and was a marine in the 5th wave of Iwo Jima. Watching him go through a bleed in the brain has been very difficult and the hospital that he is at is on the corner where I go and witness every Wednesday. It is funny since many people that I have tried to give tracts to now see me in the hospital in the Neuro ICU caring for my Grandfather. It has been life changing and it is easier to hand out tracts everyday since I am right where I normally go to witness.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Open Air Preaching in Oakland
Today there was open air preaching in Oakland. People stopped and asked me what we were doing. I went through the good person test with them. They understood that they had lied, stolen and hated and if God judged them by the 10 commandments they would be guilty and go to hell. I explained that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of those that repent and trust that Jesus died on the cross for them. They very very gratefull to hear this message and Pastor Ron talked and prayed with them after they were done listening to me. Then after he prayed with them Pastor Ron got up and took my place with the PA system and preached the gospel. A few people stopped and listened to the gospel.
Monday, July 6, 2009
A Demolition Derby
People paying to see cars get ruined and crash into each other. It was very exciting to see the cars go up in flames. It was amazing to see how much the cars could take and still keep going. A great preacher talked about if you are on fire for the Lord people will come watch you burn. Go get onfire for the Lord.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Things you do for Love
I am afraid of heights and I get motion sick. My son wanted to go on all the rides at Kennywood. I took dramaine and told my son that we were going to scream on each of the rides.
Sometimes things are scary and make us sick to our stomach but love pushes us to go out and do those things anyway.
Every time I talk to a non-Christian about the things of God I am scared to death but I pray to God and I do it anyway. I do it because of my love for God and my fear for them is greater than my fear.
Step out and love someone and explain that they are going to stand before a holy and just God and he is going to judge them by the 10 commandments. Ask them if they have broken any of the commandments. Have they lied stolen or hated then they will be seen as a liar a thief and a murder on the day of judgement. Explain that God sent his only son on their behalf to die on the cross to pay their fine. They have to cry out to God to recieve the payment for their sins. Repentance and faith is the cry. One must humble themselves and confess that they are not a good person and trust that Jesus is God and died on the cross for them. Then change their heart and work on not sinning any more.
If you love a person you need to warn them that if they die in their sins they will get Justice and go to hell. If they die in Jesus then they will get mercy and go to heaven.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
stepping out in love
Here is one of my team members stepping out in love and explaining the Gospel to a gentle man in Oakland. They talked for about 20 minutes.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Prayer Book

I like to carry a book with me to write down the names of the people that I have witnessed to so that I can pray for them. It also gives me a place to put information for contacting those that request a contact. It has been helpful for those days that I see people I have witnessed to and I can find their name in the book.
Monday, June 15, 2009
A Stiring Thought
I got all my bird stuff up almost like Ray's. I put up the Mirrored film on my back windows in the dinning room. I had bought a bird feeder and had it by the window last year and it did not work because I did not have the mirrored film on the glass. Now I have the bird feeders right up against the glass and the mirrored film. I was thinking about if someone would come and visit my house and see my bird feeders right up against the glass, They would say how much is that worth to you? I then thought of Schindler's List . The ending, the war is over, where he is about to drive away the Jews in the factory have given him a letter saying he saved them and not to hurt him. Schindler's takes off his rings and weeps and says how many people could I have saved with these. He thinks why did I keep these silly rings I could have saved more lives. I think will that be what it is like on Judgement day? Will we look at all our stuff and say how many gospel tracts could I have bought instead of putting up my treasured bird feeders? How many more would have known the truth?
What will mean anything on the day of judgement? How many more could have been saved?
What will mean anything on the day of judgement? How many more could have been saved?
Sometimes there is just not enough Gospel tracts.
Went to the Stanely Cup Parade and I ran out of tracts 1 hour before the parade started. It was great fun though.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Scripture Cards

When out witnessing this week I witnessed to a Jehovah's Witness. She tried to tell me all sorts of things but the beautiful thing is that I have these cards with a bunch of scritures on them that go over the Gospel. They go over law, judgement, hell and grace. I was able to dispute her claims by reading different cards from this bunch. It worked out very well. She said she would have to go back and read those verses.
I am now working on a set of cards with verses on them for each cult group that I run into the most. This way I will have key verses for each groups heresies.
This summer I had a card with verses in the old testiment that talk about Jesus and I shared those with a Jewish guy and that worked out great as well.
many people have lists of verses listed in their Bible that are good for each group but then you have to look them up and many times you do not have that kind of time so having the cards with the verses on them really helps out.
I also use these cards to memorize verses.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Bless Every Place You Go.
I Went to hear Mark Cahill speak in Ford City. He did a great job and I highly recommend anyone going to hear him speak. You can go to to find out when and where he will be speaking next.
After he spoke I went up and asked him advise about an issue I had a week ago.
I had been leaving tracts at my sons school. He stays after school for daycare at his school. The one day I went to pick him up I was going to just pick him up and me and the kids were going strait on vacation no stopping home or anything. I was in a rush and I was not praying before I went in I had not read the Bible that day. I was in a rush. So I go in to get my son and I am greeted by a very angry women almost growling at me. She had a Million dollar bill in her hand and wanted to know if I know what it was and if I had put it out. I told her I did know what it was and asked if someone had complained. She said I know you are a Christian. She said that lots of the kids in the daycare where of other religions and that it was rude to leave Christian literature out for them to see. ( There are tons of ways I should have replied. But lets be honest I almost had heart failure at her composure.) I told her that I would not leave the tracts there anymore. Then I grabbed my two boys and walked out the door. There may have been -+ a few words or sentences but I did not say anything mean in the conversation.
I told Mark Cahill what had happened and asked him for advise. He told me to Bless her. He handed me a twenty dollar bill. That felt strange to take his money. He told me to buy her flowers. The next day guess what I bought with the money? Games....3 board games My son had taught her games that He and I play all the time and now all the kids in the daycare love to play those games. So I went to Tuesday Morning and bought her 3 games. I wrapped them up in nice wrapping paper and bought a pretty bow. When I brought the present in to her when I picked up my son her face and the other lady's face dropped. She was very excited. She commented on the paper and how she loved it. She said thank you and I told her that her daughter would love it too.
Bless every place you go is good advice.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Do not have an answer.
My 13 year old Dog Edison died today. He has not eaten for 3 days or had any water. We have been carrying him outside and inside for the last few days and now he is Gone. I wish the Bible would tell us where animals go when they die? Are they just dead? Do they go to heaven? Do we humans only live in eternity in heaven or hell since we are made in the image of God. I do not know what to tell my kids. I guess this will be a good time to explain that i do not know everything.
This is what I was sent by a friend.
am very sorry about your family's loss. Our dog has been very sick this last week and seems to be on the mend now, but we have been very worried about her. We also lost our German Shepherd last June. I can be a very difficult time for a family. Here is the info.
Bible Lessons about Animals
ANIMALS AND PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT CREATIONS: The first thing to note from Scripture is that animals and mankind are two different creations. Man is not a higher animal. Evolution is a lie. Man was created distinctly in the image of God (Ge 1:24-28). Animals were not made in the image of God. Animals do not have a living soul. They are not eternal beings; man is (Ge 2:7). They are described as "made to be taken and destroyed" in 2Pe 2:12. Man is infinitely higher than and different from the animal kingdom. When proud king Nebuchadnezzar was humbled by God, his heart was changed from man's to a beast's (Da 4:16). The Lord Jesus Christ referred to the difference between animals and men in Lu 12:5-7. "But I forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him. Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows." There are two important truths in this passage about animals and man. First, we see that God does care for animals; he does not forget even the tiny sparrow. Second, though, we see that man is infinitely greater in value than the animals because man has an eternal soul. Man will be held accountable for his actions. Without a Savior, sinful man will spend eternity in Hell. We also see Christ making a clear distinction between men and animals in Mr 5:2-16. Christ had compassion upon the demon possessed man and cast the unclean spirits out of him. The demons begged Christ that they be allowed to enter into a herd of swine which were feeding nearby, and Christ gave them permission to do so.
ANIMALS WERE MADE FOR MAN'S PLEASURE: We see further that the Bible says animals were made for man's pleasure and use. Man was not made for the world; the world was made for man. Even the stars of the universe were made for man (Ps 8:4-8). The Psalmist sees the animal kingdom under man's feet. Throughout the Bible we see examples of men using animals for servitude, riding them for transportation and warfare (Ne 2:12; Ps 32:9; Pr 21:31; Mt 21:1-7), plowing with them (De 25:4), etc. Nowhere in Scripture is this condemned. In fact, the Lord Jesus Christ and His armies will be riding white horses when He returns from Heaven (Re 19:11-14). This does not mean that man has a right to be cruel toward animals; it means man has a divine right to rule over the creation and to use it for his purposes and needs. The Bible enjoins kindness even toward the dumb creatures of this world (Pr 12:10).
ANIMALS ARE FOR MAN'S FOOD: From the time of Noah until today God has ordained that man eat animal flesh (Ge 9:3). The nation Israel ate meat. The Lord Jesus Christ ate meat. The Passover meal was lamb (Ex 12:5-10), and Christ ate the Passover (Mt 26:17-19). He also ate fish (Lu 24:42-43). What about Christians? The Apostle Peter was certainly a Christian, and in a vision from God he was commanded to eat meat (Ac 10:10-13). The vision was to impress Peter that Gentile believers were not unclean, but the fact remains that God commanded Peter to eat of the various meats. God would not have done that if He abhorred meat eating. The vision in Ac 10:1-48 also shows that God has removed the O.T. dietary restrictions. Some would have us believe that restrictions against pork and other meats were for medical purposes. That's not the case. Those restrictions were for the purpose of separating Israel from the nations and for teaching her the difference between holy and unholy. In the N.T. churches God has removed all such dietary restrictions. In fact, the Bible warns against those who would promote vegetarianism. In 1Ti 4:1-5 we read of those who "command to abstain from meats," and we are told that this is a doctrine of devils! The Bible clearly says that God created animals to be eaten. It is not cruel to kill an animal in hunting or fishing, and to eat it. It is not cruel to slaughter animals for food. That is one of the reasons God made animals. Christians are free to eat meats or not to eat meats. This is the teaching of Ro 14:2-3,6. Away with those dietary laws which purport to be Christian. If a Christian wants to eat a certain kind of food-only vegetables, for example-that is fine. If he wants to avoid something such as sugar or pork, fine. Let him eat what he feels God would have him eat, and what he feels will best benefit him. But let that one be careful that he not make his own conscience a law for others. The N.T. forbids dietary laws for religious purposes. Peter describes beasts which are "made to be taken and destroyed" (2Pe 2:12). This refers to animals such as pigs and chickens which are made for man's eating pleasure.
ANIMALS ILLUSTRATE MAN'S SALVATION: Animals were used by God to illustrate salvation to the human race. In the Garden of Eden, when the man and woman had sinned, God made "coats of skins, and clothed them" (Ge 3:21). Where did God get those coats of skins? From innocent animals that died that man might have a covering for his sinful condition. And note that it was God who provided the covering. God must provide salvation. Man cannot earn it himself. Salvation is a gift of grace, "not of works, lest any man should boast" (Eph 2:9). From Eden to Calvary, the blood of animals was shed to illustrate salvation. Man is a fallen sinner who must have salvation from sin's penalty, and that salvation was purchased by Jesus Christ on the Cross. There He shed His blood and died for payment for man's sin. Those who trust Him receive eternal life. This is the Gospel which was preached so eloquently by the animal sacrifices. "Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world" (Joh 1:29). That is what John the Baptist said of Christ. The Bible enjoins us to Look and Live. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved" (Ac 16:31). Man is the crown of creation, but he is fallen and cannot be what God intended him to be until he is born again through the blood of Christ.
Monday, June 1, 2009
The secret of being content!
(Letters of John Newton)
"Godliness with contentment is great gain!" 1 Timothy 6:6
August 17, 1776
My dear friend,
It befits every Christian to say--It is not necessary for me to be rich--or what the world accounts wise. It is not necessary for me to be healthy--or admired by my fellow-worms. It is not necessary for me to pass through life in a state of prosperity and outward comfort. These things may be, or they may not be--as the Lord in His wisdom shall appoint them for me.
But it is necessary for me to be humble and spiritual, to seek communion with God, to adorn my profession of the Gospel, and to yield submissively to His disposal, in whatever way, whether of service or suffering--that He shall be pleased to call me to glorify Him in this world. It is not necessary for me to live long--but highly expedient that while I do live--I should live unto Him! Here then, I would bound my desires; and here, having His Word for my rule, I am secured from asking amiss. Let me have His presence, wisdom to know my calling, and opportunities and faithfulness to improve them; and as to the rest, Lord, help me to sincerely pray,
Whatever You will,
whenever You will, and
however You will.
"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want!" Philippians 4:11-12
"Godliness with contentment is great gain!" 1 Timothy 6:6
August 17, 1776
My dear friend,
It befits every Christian to say--It is not necessary for me to be rich--or what the world accounts wise. It is not necessary for me to be healthy--or admired by my fellow-worms. It is not necessary for me to pass through life in a state of prosperity and outward comfort. These things may be, or they may not be--as the Lord in His wisdom shall appoint them for me.
But it is necessary for me to be humble and spiritual, to seek communion with God, to adorn my profession of the Gospel, and to yield submissively to His disposal, in whatever way, whether of service or suffering--that He shall be pleased to call me to glorify Him in this world. It is not necessary for me to live long--but highly expedient that while I do live--I should live unto Him! Here then, I would bound my desires; and here, having His Word for my rule, I am secured from asking amiss. Let me have His presence, wisdom to know my calling, and opportunities and faithfulness to improve them; and as to the rest, Lord, help me to sincerely pray,
Whatever You will,
whenever You will, and
however You will.
"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want!" Philippians 4:11-12
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
What can you do in an hour?
This morning I went down to Oakland and on the way down I thought what can be done in 1 hour why go down. I thought about calling my Friend E and did not. I thought it is only a little time what can be done? My friend E called me and said are you going and will you pick me up. I said yes. I prayed on the way for many to be saved and all for His Glory. I picked up E and we practiced our witness on the way. We witnessed 1 to 1 about 10 people then my friend realized that we were 1 minute walk away from the hospital that her friend was in who had kidney replacement and it was failing. We did not have much time but we headed her way. We handed out tracts in the hospital. We found her friend and after talking to her for a while found that her freind was not saved as thought and she was the one that we had gone down to encourage and witness to. It turns out that you can do a lot in an hour. Witness for Christ even if you just have a few moments. It will have eternal consequences.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Repent and Witness
Many of you by this title would think that my message is to others but this is a message to me. Repent and witness. Today I had a plan. I was going to Oakland to read the sermon on the Mount It was Sermon on the Mount Saturday. Over 100 people would be doing this same thing today and then I was going to my Mom's roommates birthday. I for some reason thought it was not going to be too hard to read the sermon on the Mount. I just had to read it and did not have to memorize anything. I practiced at home and my biggest issues was the pages of the new thinline Bible that I had bought were flipping over in the wind and I was afraid it was going to rain on me and I did not want to get my new Bible wet. I printed out the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and put the sheet into those plastic sheet protectors. I got to Oakland and none of my partners were going to be there. I had hoped they would be there just one of them. I had to walk about the block two times to get up the courage to do it. I decided to hand out some tracts and then I witnessed to a Asian guy to help me get into the swing of things. I set up my stool and could not get up on that stool. I picked up the stool and walked around the block again. I prayed God give my your spirit and transform me. Well a guy asked me for Change and I told him that I did not have any I had given it to the Marines at Walmart. I had a $20 bill and thought that is not change. I should have given him some money. (the sermon on the mount says I should and I did not) I then came back to the intersection that I was going to preach at and the spot that I feel comfortable in is under construction. So then I spent time thinking about where to setup. Finally I just walked over and put the stool down and got on top. Then I was asked by a guy if I needed help. He thought I was putting the papers in my hand on the pole. I thanked him.
I have not shook like this in a long time. Matthew 5-7 takes a long time to read. I had my bullhorn in my bag and a mic that i hold in my hand and I was reading along. It was hard to see the paper with my hand shacking. I was glad it was not the small print of the Bible. I did not look up I just had the 240 Watt bullhorn up to 8 it goes from 0-10 and read. My hand hurt from pushing the button and my mouth went totally dry. When I was done I got down and was afriad I would fall down. There was a group in a mini van behind me that had watched this entire thing. They called me over and wanted to know what I was up to. They said that they could not hear but were amazed at what I was doing. They wanted to know what I had been saying up there. They told me that they wanted to walk up to me and have me turn around but they did not want to scare me. Praise the Lord that they did not tape me on the shoulder or come up to me I might have fainted. I pulled the printout out of the sheet protectors and gave it to one of the girls and she started to read it. I handed out gospel tracts to everyone else in the van and they were very excited. I then walked straight to my car and another person came up to me and I gave them a gospel tract too. I turned out to be quite the curiosity. I must have shook for an hour afterward.
I went to my moms house and before I walked in I said I am not going to witness to anyone tonight. I do not want to upset anyone on their birthday. I had my What if shirt on and did not think about that. My mothers roommate whom I have never witnessed to asked me What if what? I told her What if you died today would you go to heaven or Hell. She pointed up and said I hope. I said Wow. that is it. I am prepared to give a reason for the hope that is within me. I did not. It was her birthday and I thought I did not come here to upset her. Then I went into the bathroom to pray and ask for forgiveness. How cruel not to tell her she is not going to heaven. I had my chance and did not. Ten minutes later my aunt asks me the same thing. I said what if you died today what would happen? she said oh wow. I did not witness to my unsaved aunt. The entire reason I made this tie dye What if shirt is so my loved ones would bring up the things of God and it had worked and I did not witness to them.
Accourding to the sermon on the mount I can not judge anyone that does not witness since I had my chance to witness to the two people who have been on my heart and I did not. Judge not others or you will be judged by that same standard. I did not witness to them. I have to repent and witness to them. It was a night of fear for me.
It brings tears to my eyes. I am humbled.
I have not shook like this in a long time. Matthew 5-7 takes a long time to read. I had my bullhorn in my bag and a mic that i hold in my hand and I was reading along. It was hard to see the paper with my hand shacking. I was glad it was not the small print of the Bible. I did not look up I just had the 240 Watt bullhorn up to 8 it goes from 0-10 and read. My hand hurt from pushing the button and my mouth went totally dry. When I was done I got down and was afriad I would fall down. There was a group in a mini van behind me that had watched this entire thing. They called me over and wanted to know what I was up to. They said that they could not hear but were amazed at what I was doing. They wanted to know what I had been saying up there. They told me that they wanted to walk up to me and have me turn around but they did not want to scare me. Praise the Lord that they did not tape me on the shoulder or come up to me I might have fainted. I pulled the printout out of the sheet protectors and gave it to one of the girls and she started to read it. I handed out gospel tracts to everyone else in the van and they were very excited. I then walked straight to my car and another person came up to me and I gave them a gospel tract too. I turned out to be quite the curiosity. I must have shook for an hour afterward.
I went to my moms house and before I walked in I said I am not going to witness to anyone tonight. I do not want to upset anyone on their birthday. I had my What if shirt on and did not think about that. My mothers roommate whom I have never witnessed to asked me What if what? I told her What if you died today would you go to heaven or Hell. She pointed up and said I hope. I said Wow. that is it. I am prepared to give a reason for the hope that is within me. I did not. It was her birthday and I thought I did not come here to upset her. Then I went into the bathroom to pray and ask for forgiveness. How cruel not to tell her she is not going to heaven. I had my chance and did not. Ten minutes later my aunt asks me the same thing. I said what if you died today what would happen? she said oh wow. I did not witness to my unsaved aunt. The entire reason I made this tie dye What if shirt is so my loved ones would bring up the things of God and it had worked and I did not witness to them.
Accourding to the sermon on the mount I can not judge anyone that does not witness since I had my chance to witness to the two people who have been on my heart and I did not. Judge not others or you will be judged by that same standard. I did not witness to them. I have to repent and witness to them. It was a night of fear for me.
It brings tears to my eyes. I am humbled.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Advertisement for God

I found an advertisement on my driveway in a bag with rocks in it. I thought I could do that with million dollar bills. People that are really scared could do that and drive around at 2am in the morning and through them onto peoples driveways. That is what they do for the hair cutting places why not for the gospel. It is legal.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Check Out Girl

Today I went shopping and the checkout lady was bummed about having to work today. It was beautiful outside. She had off yesterday and it was raining and not so nice. I gave her a million dollar bill I told her I hoped it would make her feel better she said yes. She laughed and put it aside to read later. You can go to and click on store and they have tons of great gospel tracts that are fun and people ask for more. I did not say anything to that women but I can now pray for her to read it later and get saved.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Hartwood Acres
We went to Hartwood Acres today to teach the kids how to ride bikes and such. While we were there I handed out Gospel tracts. It seems that it is very hard to give gospel tracts to those that believe they can buy everything and they have enough money to buy whatever they need.
The one issue is that you can not bribe a Good Judge. They would not accept the gospel tracts and so they did not read and see that they were in trouble. Some people do not realize that they are blessed with little and that is a blessing indeed.
Had they read the gospel tracts they would have read the following.
The Million dollar question will you go to heaven when you die? Here's a quick test. have you ever told a lie, stolen anything, or used God's name in vain? Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultry with her in his heart. Have you look with lust?Will you be guilty on Judgement day? If you have done those things GOD sees you as a lying theiving blasphemous adulterer at heart. the bible Warns that if you are guilty you will end up in hell. God is not willing that any perish. He sent his son to suffer and die on the cross for sinners. We broke God's law but Jesus paid our fine. That means he can legally dismiss our case. He can commute our death sentence. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believed in him should not perish but have everlasting life." Then he rose from the dead and defeated death. Please repent(turn from sin) today and God will grant everlasting life to all who trust in Jesus. Then read your Bibole daily and obey it.
Many will not take a Gospel tract since they believe they have everything. Many believe they are too smart to believe in Jesus. Pride will put many people into Hell.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Why we go out
1 Peter 4 1-11
Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you. But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to men in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit.
The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you. But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to men in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit.
The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Tony Knows
Tony knew the gospel. His Mother was an evangalist. Tony is not born again. He knew that he was not a good person and that he had broken the 10 commandments. He knew he was going to go to hell but he was not ready to recieve Jesus's payment on the cross for his sins. He was not ready to repent and trust in Jesus. We Prayed for Tony he is part of a civil rights case right now. He was glad to have the prayers.
John asked to come with me to Oakland to witness and I was not going to say no. This is him writing with chalk on the sidewalk near the benches. WWW.NEEDGOD.COM. He had a great time and asked me if he could go the next time I went out. I told him that he certianly could. John handed out about 50 gospel tracts. This was the first time that he asked to go out with me.
That unclean donkey is yourself! (Charles Spurgeon)
"You must redeem the firstborn donkey with a lamb. But if you do not redeem it--you must kill the donkey by breaking its neck!" Exodus 34:20
Every firstborn creature must be the Lord's--but since the donkey was unclean, it could not be presented in sacrifice to Him. What then? Should it be allowed to go free from the universal law? By no means! God admits of no exceptions. The donkey is His due--but He will not accept it; He will not abate the claim--but yet He cannot be pleased with the unclean victim. No way of escape remained, but redemption--the donkey must be saved by the substitution of a lamb in its place; or if not redeemed, it must die!
My soul, here is a lesson for you! That unclean donkey is yourself! You are justly the property of the Lord who made you and preserves you--but you are so sinful that God will not, cannot, accept you! It has come to this--the Lamb of God must stand in your stead--or you must die eternally! Let all the world know of your gratitude to that spotless Lamb who has died for you, and so redeemed you from the fatal curse of the law!
Must it not sometimes have been a question with the Israelite, as to which should die--the donkey or the lamb? Would not the man pause to estimate and compare the values of these animals? Assuredly there was no comparison between the value of a sinful man--and the spotless Lord Jesus! Yet the Lamb dies--and man the donkey is spared! My soul, admire the boundless love of God to you! Vile worms are bought--with the blood of the holy Lamb of God! Dust and ashes are redeemed--with a price far above silver and gold! What a doom would have been mine--had not plenteous redemption been found!
The breaking of the neck of the donkey was but a momentary penalty. But who shall measure the eternal wrath to come--to which no limit can be imagined! Inestimably dear is the glorious Lamb--who has redeemed me from such a doom!
Every firstborn creature must be the Lord's--but since the donkey was unclean, it could not be presented in sacrifice to Him. What then? Should it be allowed to go free from the universal law? By no means! God admits of no exceptions. The donkey is His due--but He will not accept it; He will not abate the claim--but yet He cannot be pleased with the unclean victim. No way of escape remained, but redemption--the donkey must be saved by the substitution of a lamb in its place; or if not redeemed, it must die!
My soul, here is a lesson for you! That unclean donkey is yourself! You are justly the property of the Lord who made you and preserves you--but you are so sinful that God will not, cannot, accept you! It has come to this--the Lamb of God must stand in your stead--or you must die eternally! Let all the world know of your gratitude to that spotless Lamb who has died for you, and so redeemed you from the fatal curse of the law!
Must it not sometimes have been a question with the Israelite, as to which should die--the donkey or the lamb? Would not the man pause to estimate and compare the values of these animals? Assuredly there was no comparison between the value of a sinful man--and the spotless Lord Jesus! Yet the Lamb dies--and man the donkey is spared! My soul, admire the boundless love of God to you! Vile worms are bought--with the blood of the holy Lamb of God! Dust and ashes are redeemed--with a price far above silver and gold! What a doom would have been mine--had not plenteous redemption been found!
The breaking of the neck of the donkey was but a momentary penalty. But who shall measure the eternal wrath to come--to which no limit can be imagined! Inestimably dear is the glorious Lamb--who has redeemed me from such a doom!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Their Worm does not die.
I have recited Mark 9:48 serveral times and I just understood its meaning tonight and I have to say I am even happier that I am not going to hell. I looked it up in several versions to make sure that what I was seeing was what I was thinking.
Mark 9:47-48 (New International Version)
47And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, 48where
" 'their worm does not die,
and the fire is not quenched.'[a]
Mark 9:47-48 (New American Standard Bible)
47"(A)If your eye causes you to stumble, throw it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, than, having two eyes, to be cast into (B)hell,
Mark 9:47-48 (Amplified Bible)
47And if your eye causes you to stumble and sin, pluck it out! It is more profitable and wholesome for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell (Gehenna),
48Where their worm [[a]which preys on the inhabitants and is a symbol of the wounds inflicted on the man himself by his sins] does not die, and the fire is not put out.(A)
Mark 9:47-48 (New Century Version)
47 If your eye causes you to sin, take it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell.48 In hell the worm does not die; the fire is never put out.
Mark 9:47-48 (English Standard Version)
47(A) And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into(B) hell, 48'where(C) their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.'
Cross references:
Mark 9:47 : Matt 5:29; 18:9
Mark 9:47 : Matt 5:22, 29
Mark 9:48 : Isa 66:24
Wow that just gives me a bad feeling inside. That worm thing is yuk.
Mark 9:47-48 (New International Version)
47And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, 48where
" 'their worm does not die,
and the fire is not quenched.'[a]
Mark 9:47-48 (New American Standard Bible)
47"(A)If your eye causes you to stumble, throw it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, than, having two eyes, to be cast into (B)hell,
Mark 9:47-48 (Amplified Bible)
47And if your eye causes you to stumble and sin, pluck it out! It is more profitable and wholesome for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell (Gehenna),
48Where their worm [[a]which preys on the inhabitants and is a symbol of the wounds inflicted on the man himself by his sins] does not die, and the fire is not put out.(A)
Mark 9:47-48 (New Century Version)
47 If your eye causes you to sin, take it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell.48 In hell the worm does not die; the fire is never put out.
Mark 9:47-48 (English Standard Version)
47(A) And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into(B) hell, 48'where(C) their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.'
Cross references:
Mark 9:47 : Matt 5:29; 18:9
Mark 9:47 : Matt 5:22, 29
Mark 9:48 : Isa 66:24
Wow that just gives me a bad feeling inside. That worm thing is yuk.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Women tried to kill her husband
Today in Oakland I talked to a women in a wheel chair who did not think she was going to go to heaven since she was not a good person. She said that she was one that would never take anything from anyone. She told me that she had tried to kill her husband but was unsucessful. She told me that he had stabbed her first and she really did not know why. She had gone to prison and had prayed to get out of there. She told me that she got angry at people all the time and could see that she was not a good person. I explained that God created us and did not create us to be robots. God knew we would not be able to keep his law and that he sent his only son Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of those who repent and put their trust in him. I told her that it is Gods rightiousness that gets us to heaven and not ours. She told me that she liked talking to me. She told me that her friend keeps asking her to go to her church. I pray that she does start going to church and puts her trust in Jesus's rightiousness.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Your children (Charles Spurgeon)
"Bring him unto Me!" Mark 9:19
Despairingly the poor disappointed father turned away from the disciples, to their Master. His son was in the worst possible condition, and all means had failed--but the miserable child was soon delivered from the evil one, when the parent in faith obeyed the Lord Jesus' word, "Bring him unto Me!"
Your children are a precious gift from God--but much anxiety comes with them. They may be a great joy--or a great bitterness to their parents. They may be filled with the Spirit of God--or possessed with the spirit of evil. In all cases, the Word of God gives us one recipe for the curing of all their ills, "Bring them unto Me!"
O for more agonizing prayer on their behalf, while they are yet babes. Sin is there, let our prayers begin to attack it.
In the days of their youth we shall see sad tokens of that dumb and deaf spirit, which will neither pray aright, nor hear the voice of God in the soul--but Jesus still commands, "Bring them unto Me!"
When they are grown up, they may wallow in sin and foam with enmity against God! Then, when our hearts are breaking--we should remember the great Physician's words, "Bring them unto Me!" Never must we cease to pray for them--until they cease to breathe. No case is hopeless--while Jesus lives.
The Lord sometimes allows His people to be driven into a corner--that they may experimentally know how necessary He is to them. Ungodly children, when they show us our own powerlessness against the depravity of their hearts--drive us to flee to the Strong One for strength--and this is a great blessing to us!
Whatever this day's need may be, let it like a strong current--bear us to the ocean of divine love! Jesus can soon remove our sorrow. He delights to comfort us. Let us hasten to Him--while He waits to meet us!
Despairingly the poor disappointed father turned away from the disciples, to their Master. His son was in the worst possible condition, and all means had failed--but the miserable child was soon delivered from the evil one, when the parent in faith obeyed the Lord Jesus' word, "Bring him unto Me!"
Your children are a precious gift from God--but much anxiety comes with them. They may be a great joy--or a great bitterness to their parents. They may be filled with the Spirit of God--or possessed with the spirit of evil. In all cases, the Word of God gives us one recipe for the curing of all their ills, "Bring them unto Me!"
O for more agonizing prayer on their behalf, while they are yet babes. Sin is there, let our prayers begin to attack it.
In the days of their youth we shall see sad tokens of that dumb and deaf spirit, which will neither pray aright, nor hear the voice of God in the soul--but Jesus still commands, "Bring them unto Me!"
When they are grown up, they may wallow in sin and foam with enmity against God! Then, when our hearts are breaking--we should remember the great Physician's words, "Bring them unto Me!" Never must we cease to pray for them--until they cease to breathe. No case is hopeless--while Jesus lives.
The Lord sometimes allows His people to be driven into a corner--that they may experimentally know how necessary He is to them. Ungodly children, when they show us our own powerlessness against the depravity of their hearts--drive us to flee to the Strong One for strength--and this is a great blessing to us!
Whatever this day's need may be, let it like a strong current--bear us to the ocean of divine love! Jesus can soon remove our sorrow. He delights to comfort us. Let us hasten to Him--while He waits to meet us!
Monday, April 27, 2009
'Peace, peace,' when there is no peace.
Jer 6:10-19 To whom shall I speak and give warning, that they may hear? Behold, their ears are uncircumcised, they cannot listen; behold, the word of the LORD is to them an object of scorn; they take no pleasure in it. Therefore I am full of the wrath of the LORD; I am weary of holding it in. "Pour it out upon the children in the street, and upon the gatherings of young men, also; both husband and wife shall be taken, the elderly and the very aged. Their houses shall be turned over to others, their fields and wives together, for I will stretch out my hand against the inhabitants of the land," declares the LORD. "For from the least to the greatest of them, everyone is greedy for unjust gain; and from prophet to priest, everyone deals falsely. They have healed the wound of my people lightly, saying, 'Peace, peace,' when there is no peace. Were they ashamed when they committed abomination? No, they were not at all ashamed; they did not know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; at the time that I punish them, they shall be overthrown," says the LORD. Thus says the LORD: "Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they said, 'We will not walk in it. I set watchmen over you, saying, 'Pay attention to the sound of the trumpet!' But they said, 'We will not pay attention.' Therefore hear, O nations, and know, O congregation, what will happen to them. Hear, O earth; behold, I am bringing disaster upon this people, the fruit of their devices, because they have not paid attention to my words; and as for my law, they have rejected it.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Preach to one person
I was stoplight preaching on Hollywood Blvd on Friday. I go through the following over and over again.
" The Million dollar question is: if you died today would you go to heaven or to hell? Here is a quick test: If you told 1 lie, stole one thing, hated one person or lusted after one person God sees you as a liar, a thief, and murder and an adulter at heart. If God judges you by the 10 commandments you would be guilty and go to Hell. Jesus died on the cross for the sins of those who repent and put there trust in Jesus. God commands everyone everywhere to repent and obey the Gospel. For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have ever lasting life. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father but by me. Please I beg of you repent and put your trust in Jesus dieing on the cross."
There was a woman in a pink head scarf or vail. She watched me preach as she walked by and I turned and preached to her. She smiled and seemed to listen the entire way. I am not sure how she did not bump into anyone even 10 feet past me she still had her head turned my way. She is probably someone who would not have stopped to listen to me but she listened and smiled as I preached to her. I pray for the women to get saved every night.
" The Million dollar question is: if you died today would you go to heaven or to hell? Here is a quick test: If you told 1 lie, stole one thing, hated one person or lusted after one person God sees you as a liar, a thief, and murder and an adulter at heart. If God judges you by the 10 commandments you would be guilty and go to Hell. Jesus died on the cross for the sins of those who repent and put there trust in Jesus. God commands everyone everywhere to repent and obey the Gospel. For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have ever lasting life. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father but by me. Please I beg of you repent and put your trust in Jesus dieing on the cross."
There was a woman in a pink head scarf or vail. She watched me preach as she walked by and I turned and preached to her. She smiled and seemed to listen the entire way. I am not sure how she did not bump into anyone even 10 feet past me she still had her head turned my way. She is probably someone who would not have stopped to listen to me but she listened and smiled as I preached to her. I pray for the women to get saved every night.
Preach even if you do not have an Audience
I preached the gospel on Friday in Glendale CA. While preaching there was no one that I could see was listening. Several people told me that they could hear me 2 blocks away preaching the gospel. I learned that night to preach to an audiance of one. (God) The next day I was preaching at Huntington beach. I picked Marci out of a crowd of about 100. Marci heard me preach the gospel on Friday night in Glendale CA while he was eating dinner. I did not know that anyone heard me. He and his girlfriend saw me preaching and remembered me from the night before and I picked him out of the crowd to take the good test. Here is what happened next.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Great Things to Come
In the seventies God moved in a great way in Pittsburgh. My heart is praying for that to happen again. We had seven people out with us last week handing out gospel tracts and witnessing 1 2 1. On Wednesday we had 3 of us out in Oakland sharing our faith. What a wonderful day they both were.
If you run into this blog and want to get trained up to share your faith and you have a love for Pittsburghers please contact me. If you are in another city then I recommend that you go to :
The Way of the Master has a great way to share your faith that is Biblical and gets people soundly saved. One of my elders uses it because it is very conversational. He does not go out and hit the streets like I do but it is very effective to helping people see their need of a savior.
Pray that God will move mountains in Pittsburgh.
If you run into this blog and want to get trained up to share your faith and you have a love for Pittsburghers please contact me. If you are in another city then I recommend that you go to :
The Way of the Master has a great way to share your faith that is Biblical and gets people soundly saved. One of my elders uses it because it is very conversational. He does not go out and hit the streets like I do but it is very effective to helping people see their need of a savior.
Pray that God will move mountains in Pittsburgh.
That is all they have to enjoy (Charles Spurgeon)
"Turn away my eyes from beholding vanity!" Psalm 119:37
No Christian enjoys comfort--when his eyes are fixed on vanity.
I do not blame ungodly men for rushing to their pleasures. Why should I? Let them have their fill. That is all they have to enjoy! A godly wife who despaired of her husband's salvation, was always very kind to him, for she said, "I fear that this is the only world in which he will be happy--and therefore I have made up my mind to make him as happy as I can in it."
Christians must seek their delights in a higher sphere--than the insipid frivolities or sinful enjoyments of the world. Vain amusements are dangerous to renewed souls. It is when the Christian departs from God, becomes spiritually starved, and endeavors to feed on vanities--that the devil discovers his vantage hour. O for grace to sincerely pray, "Remove vanity and lies far from me!" Proverbs 30:8
No Christian enjoys comfort--when his eyes are fixed on vanity.
I do not blame ungodly men for rushing to their pleasures. Why should I? Let them have their fill. That is all they have to enjoy! A godly wife who despaired of her husband's salvation, was always very kind to him, for she said, "I fear that this is the only world in which he will be happy--and therefore I have made up my mind to make him as happy as I can in it."
Christians must seek their delights in a higher sphere--than the insipid frivolities or sinful enjoyments of the world. Vain amusements are dangerous to renewed souls. It is when the Christian departs from God, becomes spiritually starved, and endeavors to feed on vanities--that the devil discovers his vantage hour. O for grace to sincerely pray, "Remove vanity and lies far from me!" Proverbs 30:8
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
New Friend
The best blessing is to have a partner to go out and witness with. I found a new person to witness with today. Well she found me. She is a person faithful to witnessing. Going out and sharing the Gospel with an other person really makes all the difference. It pushes you to witness more and give you more boldness. If you have a friend that goes out and witnesses by themselves I would beg you to get trained and go out and witness with them just for that person that goes out and witnesses. What a great blessing you would be.
What if Shirt

Last week I went to MOPS and I had a new tee shirt that I made on. A women that I would never had guessed was not a Christian asked me about it. She said is it what if I get to eat all the ice cream I wanted. I said What if you died to day would you go to heaven or hell. She said why does it have to be that. I said well it is an important question where would you go. She did not believe in an actual Hell. She thought everyone went to heaven as long as they did not murder anyone. She thought she could just ask and she would be forgiven. I asked her if your mother was raped and killed and the judge is a good judge he will punish the man. Then I said if I had my son die in that mans place then the judge could be just and let the guy go. Then I explained Jesus dieing on the cross for the sins of those that repent and trust in his death and she asked for a website and I gave her way of the master sight. It was great. I am going to make some more of these tee shirts.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Mediator
Today this will be what I used to persuade Men.
I am standing here because when I was a student here no one told me what I am about to tell you. No one took the time to explain this to me. Had I understood this then I would have avoided a lot of pain.
10 out of 10 die it is the ultimate statistic. We are all going to die and then comes the Judgement.
If you died today would you go to heaven or hell? Here is the quick test. If you told 1 lie if you stole one thing if you hated one person? God sees you as a liar a thief and a murder. If God judged you by the 10 commandments you would be guilty and go to hell. "God has commanded that you repent of your sin and forsake your sin. He has commanded you to believe the gospel and, by faith alone, receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Jesus said, 'Unless a person is born again they will not see the kingdom of God.' And if God, through His grace, mercy, and love causes you to be born again; then, as a result you will turn from your sin and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. So, please, I beg of you. Repent and believe the gospel while God has given you time."
I am standing here because when I was a student here no one told me what I am about to tell you. No one took the time to explain this to me. Had I understood this then I would have avoided a lot of pain.
10 out of 10 die it is the ultimate statistic. We are all going to die and then comes the Judgement.
If you died today would you go to heaven or hell? Here is the quick test. If you told 1 lie if you stole one thing if you hated one person? God sees you as a liar a thief and a murder. If God judged you by the 10 commandments you would be guilty and go to hell. "God has commanded that you repent of your sin and forsake your sin. He has commanded you to believe the gospel and, by faith alone, receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Jesus said, 'Unless a person is born again they will not see the kingdom of God.' And if God, through His grace, mercy, and love causes you to be born again; then, as a result you will turn from your sin and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. So, please, I beg of you. Repent and believe the gospel while God has given you time."
Sunday, February 15, 2009
What if What?
I witnessed to a girl tonight. She saw my What if? bracelet and said what if what? I said " What if you died tonight would you go to heaven or hell?" She said she was going to go to hell since she was a firefighter. She said it was a well known fact that all fire fighters go to Hell. I asked her why she thought that. She told me that her pastor told her that and went over verses in the Bible to show her that was the case. I tried to explain to her that was not the case and explained why people do go to hell and what Jesus died for and that with repentance and faith she would go to heaven too. She told me that her pastor assured her what she was saying was true and I told her she needed a new pastor and told her to go to our church. I told her that there were lots of fire fighters at our church and that they were saved and going to go to heaven. I told her she needed a new pastor. I wrote this pastor an email to see what he has to say.
I am assuming that this girl is making this up but what if she is not?What if this pastor is an apostate pastor? What would one do? He would be leading a whole flock to hell.
I am assuming that this girl is making this up but what if she is not?What if this pastor is an apostate pastor? What would one do? He would be leading a whole flock to hell.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Talking to two Hindus
Today I went down to the University of Pittsburgh to witness. I handed out about 500 tracts and talked to two Hindus. They talked to me for about an hour. I explained to them that if they had broken Gods law and if God was good then God would send all liars, thieves and murders to Hell. God could n0t be bribed by works of good deeds and that in a court of law it would not mater what other things they did good. The judge would put them in jail for the laws they broke. I explained that God knew they were going to mess up and he came and lived a perfect life on earth and died on the Cross for their sins. To receive the payment for their sins they would have to change their minds about sin and decide that breaking Gods laws is a terrible thing to do and stop breaking Gods laws and Trust everything they do to the Lord Jesus Christ believing that He is fully God fully Man and died on the cross for their sins.
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