Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Origins of Species

We handed out 1000 Origins of Species books today at University of Pittsburgh.  The Book had a Gospel message in the Introduction.  I am so very happy that everything went without issue.  I had great fellowship and some wonderful Chineese food afterward.  There was open air preaching and many peole stepped out of their comfort zone.

A lost sheep Mark was found today.  Please pray for him.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

God is Good.

I was reading today at the University of Pittsburgh and watched several people shaking their heads and shaking their fists. I have watched others do the same thing that I do and the people really act out toward those people. I am not sure why those other people create such an emotional response to those other people and do not act out toward me. I am very thankful that those people that do not agree with me just give me bad looks or turn there head. I wonder if I am not as good at what I do and that is why I do not end up with people yelling at me or if it is God being gentle with me.

Sometimes when I try to give out a gospel tract the person will take their hand closets to me and  cross there hand almost put it on their opposite shoulder and turn their head away from me like I have a cuddies or something. I pray that someone today heard Gods world and God was glorified.  There are many silly people in the world.  I will have to pray for those people more.    I have a goofy professor that does that every time I see him. 

Monday, November 2, 2009

Project Ezera

I read every week for Project Ezera.  I think it is a great out reach.  People that would not normally hear Gods word get a chance to hear it.  Gods word will never return void.  I talk to lots of people about there faith every week.  I never know the outcome.  However when I read the word of God I know that it is God honoring.  Reading a chapter to three chapters of the Bible every week really helps me get comfortable with hearing my own voice.  It also helps by bringing up the things of God.  I always practice reading the chapters ahead of time.  The names of people and places can be difficult to read properly.   You can join project Ezera on facebook.  It is a great way to get your feet wet for open air preaching.