Wednesday, November 4, 2009

God is Good.

I was reading today at the University of Pittsburgh and watched several people shaking their heads and shaking their fists. I have watched others do the same thing that I do and the people really act out toward those people. I am not sure why those other people create such an emotional response to those other people and do not act out toward me. I am very thankful that those people that do not agree with me just give me bad looks or turn there head. I wonder if I am not as good at what I do and that is why I do not end up with people yelling at me or if it is God being gentle with me.

Sometimes when I try to give out a gospel tract the person will take their hand closets to me and  cross there hand almost put it on their opposite shoulder and turn their head away from me like I have a cuddies or something. I pray that someone today heard Gods world and God was glorified.  There are many silly people in the world.  I will have to pray for those people more.    I have a goofy professor that does that every time I see him. 


  1. I wonder if I am not as good at what I do and that is why I do not end up with people yelling at me or if it is God being gentle with me.

    Spin it however you will, I would say that people in general find you repellent. You have the personality of an empty pen.

  2. I get the same response Jen. Some people prod more I think. At least that's how I see it. I then thought maybe I should prod more, and then I thought, You know it doesn't matter, God will use us just the way we are to bring those people to Him as He wills. God bless you for your faithfulness.


Please limit your questions to those about being saved and why we witness to people.