Friday, July 3, 2009

Things you do for Love

I am afraid of heights and I get motion sick. My son wanted to go on all the rides at Kennywood. I took dramaine and told my son that we were going to scream on each of the rides.

Sometimes things are scary and make us sick to our stomach but love pushes us to go out and do those things anyway.

Every time I talk to a non-Christian about the things of God I am scared to death but I pray to God and I do it anyway. I do it because of my love for God and my fear for them is greater than my fear.

Step out and love someone and explain that they are going to stand before a holy and just God and he is going to judge them by the 10 commandments. Ask them if they have broken any of the commandments. Have they lied stolen or hated then they will be seen as a liar a thief and a murder on the day of judgement. Explain that God sent his only son on their behalf to die on the cross to pay their fine. They have to cry out to God to recieve the payment for their sins. Repentance and faith is the cry. One must humble themselves and confess that they are not a good person and trust that Jesus is God and died on the cross for them. Then change their heart and work on not sinning any more.

If you love a person you need to warn them that if they die in their sins they will get Justice and go to hell. If they die in Jesus then they will get mercy and go to heaven.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Thanks for sharing about Jesus. I just joined your meetup. Good blog.

    I have some video of my friend kevin and myself witnessing in Pittsburgh recently.


Please limit your questions to those about being saved and why we witness to people.