Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fairy Circles

I have a big green circle in my yard. I figured it was not aliens. So I looked online and it turns out I have a humungus fungus. it is 10 feet in diamater. It is called a fairy Circle. Turns out there are fairy Circles that are serveral aecres in size and hundreds of years old.

I do not want one in my yard. So I went to Lowes to get Prostar. They did not have that so I got another fungus killer. I had my What if shirt on and the greeter greeted me on the way out with what if what? He was a very nice older gentalmen. I said what if you died today would you go to heaven or hell? He said he did not know. I said here is a quick test. Have you ever told a lie he said yes. I asked if he has ever stolen and he asked if a paper clip counted. I told him it did. I asked if he had every hated and he said he had. I told him that the Bible says if you hate someone you have murdered them in your heart. He said well I guess I am going to end up in the other place. I told him it gets worse. If you lust after a women you have commited adultry in you heart with her already. His eyes almost bugged out of his head. I asked him if he were to be judged by the 10 commandments would he be guilty or innocent. he thought out loud about the 10 commanments and he knew most of them. then he said guilty and When I asked if he would go to heaven or hell he told me that he was just as sure they did not exist as I was that they did.

I asked him if someone paid his fine would he want to know. He told me we were done with the conversation and did a 180 degree turn and faced the doors as if to say it was time I walked out of them. I said good bye.

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