I Went to hear Mark Cahill speak in Ford City. He did a great job and I highly recommend anyone going to hear him speak. You can go to markcahill.org to find out when and where he will be speaking next.
After he spoke I went up and asked him advise about an issue I had a week ago.
I had been leaving tracts at my sons school. He stays after school for daycare at his school. The one day I went to pick him up I was going to just pick him up and me and the kids were going strait on vacation no stopping home or anything. I was in a rush and I was not praying before I went in I had not read the Bible that day. I was in a rush. So I go in to get my son and I am greeted by a very angry women almost growling at me. She had a Million dollar bill in her hand and wanted to know if I know what it was and if I had put it out. I told her I did know what it was and asked if someone had complained. She said I know you are a Christian. She said that lots of the kids in the daycare where of other religions and that it was rude to leave Christian literature out for them to see. ( There are tons of ways I should have replied. But lets be honest I almost had heart failure at her composure.) I told her that I would not leave the tracts there anymore. Then I grabbed my two boys and walked out the door. There may have been -+ a few words or sentences but I did not say anything mean in the conversation.
I told Mark Cahill what had happened and asked him for advise. He told me to Bless her. He handed me a twenty dollar bill. That felt strange to take his money. He told me to buy her flowers. The next day guess what I bought with the money? Games....3 board games My son had taught her games that He and I play all the time and now all the kids in the daycare love to play those games. So I went to Tuesday Morning and bought her 3 games. I wrapped them up in nice wrapping paper and bought a pretty bow. When I brought the present in to her when I picked up my son her face and the other lady's face dropped. She was very excited. She commented on the paper and how she loved it. She said thank you and I told her that her daughter would love it too.
Bless every place you go is good advice.
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