When out witnessing this week I witnessed to a Jehovah's Witness. She tried to tell me all sorts of things but the beautiful thing is that I have these cards with a bunch of scritures on them that go over the Gospel. They go over law, judgement, hell and grace. I was able to dispute her claims by reading different cards from this bunch. It worked out very well. She said she would have to go back and read those verses.
I am now working on a set of cards with verses on them for each cult group that I run into the most. This way I will have key verses for each groups heresies.
This summer I had a card with verses in the old testiment that talk about Jesus and I shared those with a Jewish guy and that worked out great as well.
many people have lists of verses listed in their Bible that are good for each group but then you have to look them up and many times you do not have that kind of time so having the cards with the verses on them really helps out.
I also use these cards to memorize verses.
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