Today we were told by the doctors that my grandfather had 2-3 weeks to live. The day before we were looking into where he would live afterward and planning his recovery. Nothing changed in the last day and we all feel as if they knew better the day before that. He has been in the hospital for 2 weeks. They gave us a false hope. I do not want to do the same thing to other people.
The Bible says that It is appointed a man once to die and then the Judgement. Have no false hope God is going to judge you thought word and deed. The Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death. Death will arrest you, the law will condemn you and the Judge God that created the Universe will sentence you. The Bible tells us that he will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. How will you do? Have you ever taken Gods name in vain. Have you ever used Jesus name as a cuss word? If you have done that the Bible says you are guilty. No thief no murder and no adultery can enter the kingdom of heaven. Have you ever stolen anything? It does not matter the size or its value. If you have stolen something you are a thief and can not enter the kingdom of heaven. You must be thinking well I did not murder anyone. Well in 1 John 3:15 we are told that if you hate your brother you are a murder. Have you hated anyone? If you have then you have murdered them in your heart? The next one on the list is Adultery. Many may think well I am not even married I could not have done this one. Matthew 5:28 tells us if you lust after a person then you have committed adultery already in your heart with that person. How are you going to do on the day of Judgement. I do not want you to have false hope. I want to make sure you understand what is going to happen. The Bible tells us that all liars will have their place in the lake of fire. Have you ever said something that was not true? It does not matter about the color of the lie. If you told one you are a liar. In the book of James is tells us that if you break one commandment you are guilty of all of them. Gods standard is the 10 commandments. I just went through them with you. God is going to Judge you do not be fooled. He is not corrupt. God is rich in mercy and perfectly just. The only way that can be is if your punishment is paid for. God tells us that our good deeds are like dirty rages to him. If we pay our own fine it will be hell for eternity.
God can only forgive you if God pays your fine. This is how he can do that. God sent is only son Jesus Christ born of a virgin and he lived a perfect life. He always honored his parents. He never broke any of the commandments. He got up on the cross and died on the cross for those that repent and trust in him. God died on the cross and his name is Jesus of Nazareth. He was buried and on the 3rd day he was raised from the dead. Death could not hold him. He was seen by over 500 people. God commands everyone everywhere to repent and trust the Gospel. He tells us to confess and forsake our sins and trust that Jesus is fully God and fully man and died on the cross for those that trust in him. Please trust in him today. If you stand before the Creator of the Universe in your sins you are going to get justice and go to hell but if you stand in front of the Judge in Jesus then you will get Mercy and I am here today begging you to repent and pick mercy.
Now I am Innocent of you blood I did not hoodwink you I told you how it is going to happen. Please think about what you have heard today.
Knowing the fear of the Lord we persuade men in Pittsburgh. This site is for those people that recieved a million dollar bill and need more information. I want many to go to Heaven and this site is to help many run to the savior.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Going to the Rite Aid
My grandfather had really bad cramps and we asked the nurse if we could have hot packs for his legs. She said that the hospital did not carrry those. I asked if I could go and get ones if they would use them and she said yes. I headed down the hallway and off to the Rite Aid at the bottom of the hill in Oakland. While walking down the hall I heard a women giving people directions to get to Rite Aid. She asked if I knew how to get there and I said sure Follow me I am headed there myself. They told me that their brother who is 32 had a stroke and they had to cut out his ceribelum and that he would have to learn to do all movement over again. She said he was lucky to be alive. I asked the Mom there was a whole family following me if she died today what would happen. She said she hoped she would go to heaven. I told her I would give her a quick test. I asked her if she had told a lie and she said yes. I asked if she had stolen anything and she said yes. I asked if she had used Gods name in vain and she said yes. I asked her if God Judged her by the 10 commandments would she be innocent or guilty and she said guilty and I asked her if she would go to heaven or Hell and she said hell. I explained that Jesus died on the cross for her sins and that to recieve payment for her sins she needed to repent and trust in Jesus on the cross. She said it was interesting that I talked to her about this since she had just been baptized the day before. I thought it was interesting that she did not know all of this before she got Baptized at the "Church of God"
God was in control of that trip to the rite aid. My Grandfathers nurse is using that hot pack that I bought at rite aid every day for him.
God was in control of that trip to the rite aid. My Grandfathers nurse is using that hot pack that I bought at rite aid every day for him.
Unsaved Grandfather

My grandfather is dieing and it has been very difficult. I witnessed to my grandfather and I should have done that earlier. He was unable to talk but he grabbed my face and kissed me. He is 85 and was a marine in the 5th wave of Iwo Jima. Watching him go through a bleed in the brain has been very difficult and the hospital that he is at is on the corner where I go and witness every Wednesday. It is funny since many people that I have tried to give tracts to now see me in the hospital in the Neuro ICU caring for my Grandfather. It has been life changing and it is easier to hand out tracts everyday since I am right where I normally go to witness.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Open Air Preaching in Oakland
Today there was open air preaching in Oakland. People stopped and asked me what we were doing. I went through the good person test with them. They understood that they had lied, stolen and hated and if God judged them by the 10 commandments they would be guilty and go to hell. I explained that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of those that repent and trust that Jesus died on the cross for them. They very very gratefull to hear this message and Pastor Ron talked and prayed with them after they were done listening to me. Then after he prayed with them Pastor Ron got up and took my place with the PA system and preached the gospel. A few people stopped and listened to the gospel.
Monday, July 6, 2009
A Demolition Derby
People paying to see cars get ruined and crash into each other. It was very exciting to see the cars go up in flames. It was amazing to see how much the cars could take and still keep going. A great preacher talked about if you are on fire for the Lord people will come watch you burn. Go get onfire for the Lord.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Things you do for Love
I am afraid of heights and I get motion sick. My son wanted to go on all the rides at Kennywood. I took dramaine and told my son that we were going to scream on each of the rides.
Sometimes things are scary and make us sick to our stomach but love pushes us to go out and do those things anyway.
Every time I talk to a non-Christian about the things of God I am scared to death but I pray to God and I do it anyway. I do it because of my love for God and my fear for them is greater than my fear.
Step out and love someone and explain that they are going to stand before a holy and just God and he is going to judge them by the 10 commandments. Ask them if they have broken any of the commandments. Have they lied stolen or hated then they will be seen as a liar a thief and a murder on the day of judgement. Explain that God sent his only son on their behalf to die on the cross to pay their fine. They have to cry out to God to recieve the payment for their sins. Repentance and faith is the cry. One must humble themselves and confess that they are not a good person and trust that Jesus is God and died on the cross for them. Then change their heart and work on not sinning any more.
If you love a person you need to warn them that if they die in their sins they will get Justice and go to hell. If they die in Jesus then they will get mercy and go to heaven.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
stepping out in love
Here is one of my team members stepping out in love and explaining the Gospel to a gentle man in Oakland. They talked for about 20 minutes.
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