I keep wondering why there is not not more people out there. Why didn't Bush put the millitary troops outside of the abortion clinics and not let people in? That would have saved more lives. The people killing these babies don't they have a conscience. The Bible tells us that they are blinded by the prince of this world and they definately are blinded. They just do not see what they are doing.
The more I keep thinking about abortion and our response I realized that I should not be surprised at our recaction. As a Christian I know that God is going to Judge every person for their every thought word and deed. If a person has lied then God will see them as a liar and has broken the 9th commandment. If a person has lusted after another then the Bible tells us that they are an adulter at heart and has broken the 7th commandment. If you hate your brother then God sees you as a murder so you broke the 6th commandment. I know that It is appointed for a man once to die and then the judgement. The Bible says all liars will have their place in the lake of fire and no theif or murder will enter the kingdom of heaven. The only way anyone can get to heaven is to have Jesus pay your fine by dieing on the cross for you. You need to repent and put your active trust in Jesus paying your fine.
Christians know that millions are going to go to hell for eternaty and our responce is that a few go out and beg people to repent and put their trust in Jesus. The response is laking here too. What a sad state the church is in and the US.
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