Babies are not property but gifts from God. HE created us he gave us a conscience so we know right from wrong which is informed by the moral law the 10 commandments. The 6th commandment says you shall not murder. The Bible tells us that we know the difference between right and wrong and we suppress the truth
There is a way that seems right to man but that way leads to destruction.
Abortion is not a choice, a decision or a mistake it is a sin. It is an offense against God.
We are born with a sin nature and have the tendency to do what is right in our own eyes. Taking the life of a baby is murder and a sin against God. You will have to live with the murder of your baby for the rest of your life. You know what you are doing.
If you lust after a person you have committed adultery already in your heart. Sex outside of Marriage is Fornication and sin.
A man is called once to die and then the Judgment. God is going to judge you for every thought word and deed. How will you do on the day of Judgment. If you have an abortion God will see you as a murder. If you have sex outside of marriage God will see you as an adulterer if you break 1 of 10 commandments you will be guilty and go to hell. Does that concern you?
Eternity in Hell?
For God so loved the world that he gave his only son Jesus. Jesus lived a perfect life and as fully God and fully man and totally innocent Jesus died on the cross for the sin of those that repents and puts their faith in Jesus.
There is only 1 way to be forgiven of your sin. You have to repent from your sins. Stop breaking Gods law. Stop killing your baby, Stop committing adultery. Have faith that Jesus Died on the cross for your sins and then walk as if you are grateful for Jesus blood on the cross.
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