Standing infront of planned parenthood is something you have to experience to really understand. It is unbelievable.
There is a half circle that goes out into the street and if you are pro-life you are not allowed to go into the circle.
If you want to go to the other side of planned parenthood on you have to cross the street cross the street to the left and then cross back over to the side of the street you were on before just on the otherside of the circle like a uturn. If you do not then you get a citation from the Police. I now have my picture on the wall inside of planned parenthood I am a marked pro-lifer. Like having my picture up in the post office for being a criminal. There are 3 old people that seem to be aleast 70 that go every Tuesday-Saturday. 7am-10am . The three older people have huge signs of babies being murdered and of babies the age that are being murdered. 7am-10am is the time that Babies are murdered. I think about 10 babies where murdered today. You can not stop or get in the way of people going to kill their babies but people yell things like ask for a sonigram. I yelled your baby has fingernails when I was not preaching or reading. It is a time for prayer.
I got there about 6:45am to watch the staff of planned parenthood walk into the clinic. I talked to the 3 Catholic older people before everything began. They were very nice.
I read from about 7am-8am. Kevin and his family showed up and I gave them tracts and they handed them out on the corners not near the clinic so that people would take the tracts. This is a good warm up.
One paster showed up around 8am and he went against the rules on purpose and walked through that half circle over and over again inciting the planned parenthood security guy on purpose. I am not sure why a pastor would do that but he did. Him breaking the law on purpose made me very nervious. I had just finished reading the sled stuff and the gospel so I left to find kevin and his family when the planned parenthood guy said he was calling the police.
After regrouping with Kevin, Diane and their daughter and freind we went back to infront of the abortion clinic. The police got called 3 times while I was there. They seem to take a long time to showup. Kevin read for Project Erza for the first time. Kevins daughter and friend read for the first time too. I read the gospel serveral times. right after Kevins Daughter started reading 2 very outragious guys showed up trying to start fights and spiting on the pro-life signs. I got my camera out and started video taping them. I think my camera might be broken after the guy hit my camera since I was taping him. But since I started taping him he stopped trying to fight people. The video camera is really a great security measure. Since he thought he was being taped he was milder if you watch the video you be like what was he doing earlier?
My heart is really for the Catholic 3 elderly people that are out there all the time and not saved. It is like 2 little Mother Tereasa's and Gondi. They are doing mightly things and they are not saved. They are who I will be preaching to next time. They are doing good deeds and I am rooting for them to get saved. If good deeds got people into heaven they would be going.
There are catholic people standing around the half circle praying the rosary over and over again the entire time. It is such a shame they are not saved.
Here are the videos from the day. The one there is swearing. When Kevins daughter was reading John 1 is when the 2 strange guys showed up. I walked around her as he was coming around so that he could not get near her. I am not sure his goal was to get near her but he verbally attacked those that he had seen up on the box particularly for a bit and since she was on the box reading Gods word there was no way I wanted him near her.
Knowing the fear of the Lord we persuade men in Pittsburgh. This site is for those people that recieved a million dollar bill and need more information. I want many to go to Heaven and this site is to help many run to the savior.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
50 Million Murdered and these are our Warriors

I keep wondering why there is not not more people out there. Why didn't Bush put the millitary troops outside of the abortion clinics and not let people in? That would have saved more lives. The people killing these babies don't they have a conscience. The Bible tells us that they are blinded by the prince of this world and they definately are blinded. They just do not see what they are doing.
The more I keep thinking about abortion and our response I realized that I should not be surprised at our recaction. As a Christian I know that God is going to Judge every person for their every thought word and deed. If a person has lied then God will see them as a liar and has broken the 9th commandment. If a person has lusted after another then the Bible tells us that they are an adulter at heart and has broken the 7th commandment. If you hate your brother then God sees you as a murder so you broke the 6th commandment. I know that It is appointed for a man once to die and then the judgement. The Bible says all liars will have their place in the lake of fire and no theif or murder will enter the kingdom of heaven. The only way anyone can get to heaven is to have Jesus pay your fine by dieing on the cross for you. You need to repent and put your active trust in Jesus paying your fine.
Christians know that millions are going to go to hell for eternaty and our responce is that a few go out and beg people to repent and put their trust in Jesus. The response is laking here too. What a sad state the church is in and the US.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Babies are not property but gifts from God. HE created us he gave us a conscience so we know right from wrong which is informed by the moral law the 10 commandments. The 6th commandment says you shall not murder. The Bible tells us that we know the difference between right and wrong and we suppress the truth
There is a way that seems right to man but that way leads to destruction.
Abortion is not a choice, a decision or a mistake it is a sin. It is an offense against God.
We are born with a sin nature and have the tendency to do what is right in our own eyes. Taking the life of a baby is murder and a sin against God. You will have to live with the murder of your baby for the rest of your life. You know what you are doing.
If you lust after a person you have committed adultery already in your heart. Sex outside of Marriage is Fornication and sin.
A man is called once to die and then the Judgment. God is going to judge you for every thought word and deed. How will you do on the day of Judgment. If you have an abortion God will see you as a murder. If you have sex outside of marriage God will see you as an adulterer if you break 1 of 10 commandments you will be guilty and go to hell. Does that concern you?
Eternity in Hell?
For God so loved the world that he gave his only son Jesus. Jesus lived a perfect life and as fully God and fully man and totally innocent Jesus died on the cross for the sin of those that repents and puts their faith in Jesus.
There is only 1 way to be forgiven of your sin. You have to repent from your sins. Stop breaking Gods law. Stop killing your baby, Stop committing adultery. Have faith that Jesus Died on the cross for your sins and then walk as if you are grateful for Jesus blood on the cross.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

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