My 13 year old Dog Edison died today. He has not eaten for 3 days or had any water. We have been carrying him outside and inside for the last few days and now he is Gone. I wish the Bible would tell us where animals go when they die? Are they just dead? Do they go to heaven? Do we humans only live in eternity in heaven or hell since we are made in the image of God. I do not know what to tell my kids. I guess this will be a good time to explain that i do not know everything.
This is what I was sent by a friend.
am very sorry about your family's loss. Our dog has been very sick this last week and seems to be on the mend now, but we have been very worried about her. We also lost our German Shepherd last June. I can be a very difficult time for a family. Here is the info.
Bible Lessons about Animals
ANIMALS AND PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT CREATIONS: The first thing to note from Scripture is that animals and mankind are two different creations. Man is not a higher animal. Evolution is a lie. Man was created distinctly in the image of God (Ge 1:24-28). Animals were not made in the image of God. Animals do not have a living soul. They are not eternal beings; man is (Ge 2:7). They are described as "made to be taken and destroyed" in 2Pe 2:12. Man is infinitely higher than and different from the animal kingdom. When proud king Nebuchadnezzar was humbled by God, his heart was changed from man's to a beast's (Da 4:16). The Lord Jesus Christ referred to the difference between animals and men in Lu 12:5-7. "But I forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him. Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows." There are two important truths in this passage about animals and man. First, we see that God does care for animals; he does not forget even the tiny sparrow. Second, though, we see that man is infinitely greater in value than the animals because man has an eternal soul. Man will be held accountable for his actions. Without a Savior, sinful man will spend eternity in Hell. We also see Christ making a clear distinction between men and animals in Mr 5:2-16. Christ had compassion upon the demon possessed man and cast the unclean spirits out of him. The demons begged Christ that they be allowed to enter into a herd of swine which were feeding nearby, and Christ gave them permission to do so.
ANIMALS WERE MADE FOR MAN'S PLEASURE: We see further that the Bible says animals were made for man's pleasure and use. Man was not made for the world; the world was made for man. Even the stars of the universe were made for man (Ps 8:4-8). The Psalmist sees the animal kingdom under man's feet. Throughout the Bible we see examples of men using animals for servitude, riding them for transportation and warfare (Ne 2:12; Ps 32:9; Pr 21:31; Mt 21:1-7), plowing with them (De 25:4), etc. Nowhere in Scripture is this condemned. In fact, the Lord Jesus Christ and His armies will be riding white horses when He returns from Heaven (Re 19:11-14). This does not mean that man has a right to be cruel toward animals; it means man has a divine right to rule over the creation and to use it for his purposes and needs. The Bible enjoins kindness even toward the dumb creatures of this world (Pr 12:10).
ANIMALS ARE FOR MAN'S FOOD: From the time of Noah until today God has ordained that man eat animal flesh (Ge 9:3). The nation Israel ate meat. The Lord Jesus Christ ate meat. The Passover meal was lamb (Ex 12:5-10), and Christ ate the Passover (Mt 26:17-19). He also ate fish (Lu 24:42-43). What about Christians? The Apostle Peter was certainly a Christian, and in a vision from God he was commanded to eat meat (Ac 10:10-13). The vision was to impress Peter that Gentile believers were not unclean, but the fact remains that God commanded Peter to eat of the various meats. God would not have done that if He abhorred meat eating. The vision in Ac 10:1-48 also shows that God has removed the O.T. dietary restrictions. Some would have us believe that restrictions against pork and other meats were for medical purposes. That's not the case. Those restrictions were for the purpose of separating Israel from the nations and for teaching her the difference between holy and unholy. In the N.T. churches God has removed all such dietary restrictions. In fact, the Bible warns against those who would promote vegetarianism. In 1Ti 4:1-5 we read of those who "command to abstain from meats," and we are told that this is a doctrine of devils! The Bible clearly says that God created animals to be eaten. It is not cruel to kill an animal in hunting or fishing, and to eat it. It is not cruel to slaughter animals for food. That is one of the reasons God made animals. Christians are free to eat meats or not to eat meats. This is the teaching of Ro 14:2-3,6. Away with those dietary laws which purport to be Christian. If a Christian wants to eat a certain kind of food-only vegetables, for example-that is fine. If he wants to avoid something such as sugar or pork, fine. Let him eat what he feels God would have him eat, and what he feels will best benefit him. But let that one be careful that he not make his own conscience a law for others. The N.T. forbids dietary laws for religious purposes. Peter describes beasts which are "made to be taken and destroyed" (2Pe 2:12). This refers to animals such as pigs and chickens which are made for man's eating pleasure.
ANIMALS ILLUSTRATE MAN'S SALVATION: Animals were used by God to illustrate salvation to the human race. In the Garden of Eden, when the man and woman had sinned, God made "coats of skins, and clothed them" (Ge 3:21). Where did God get those coats of skins? From innocent animals that died that man might have a covering for his sinful condition. And note that it was God who provided the covering. God must provide salvation. Man cannot earn it himself. Salvation is a gift of grace, "not of works, lest any man should boast" (Eph 2:9). From Eden to Calvary, the blood of animals was shed to illustrate salvation. Man is a fallen sinner who must have salvation from sin's penalty, and that salvation was purchased by Jesus Christ on the Cross. There He shed His blood and died for payment for man's sin. Those who trust Him receive eternal life. This is the Gospel which was preached so eloquently by the animal sacrifices. "Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world" (Joh 1:29). That is what John the Baptist said of Christ. The Bible enjoins us to Look and Live. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved" (Ac 16:31). Man is the crown of creation, but he is fallen and cannot be what God intended him to be until he is born again through the blood of Christ.