Knowing the fear of the Lord we persuade men in Pittsburgh. This site is for those people that recieved a million dollar bill and need more information. I want many to go to Heaven and this site is to help many run to the savior.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
What can you do in an hour?
This morning I went down to Oakland and on the way down I thought what can be done in 1 hour why go down. I thought about calling my Friend E and did not. I thought it is only a little time what can be done? My friend E called me and said are you going and will you pick me up. I said yes. I prayed on the way for many to be saved and all for His Glory. I picked up E and we practiced our witness on the way. We witnessed 1 to 1 about 10 people then my friend realized that we were 1 minute walk away from the hospital that her friend was in who had kidney replacement and it was failing. We did not have much time but we headed her way. We handed out tracts in the hospital. We found her friend and after talking to her for a while found that her freind was not saved as thought and she was the one that we had gone down to encourage and witness to. It turns out that you can do a lot in an hour. Witness for Christ even if you just have a few moments. It will have eternal consequences.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Repent and Witness
Many of you by this title would think that my message is to others but this is a message to me. Repent and witness. Today I had a plan. I was going to Oakland to read the sermon on the Mount It was Sermon on the Mount Saturday. Over 100 people would be doing this same thing today and then I was going to my Mom's roommates birthday. I for some reason thought it was not going to be too hard to read the sermon on the Mount. I just had to read it and did not have to memorize anything. I practiced at home and my biggest issues was the pages of the new thinline Bible that I had bought were flipping over in the wind and I was afraid it was going to rain on me and I did not want to get my new Bible wet. I printed out the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and put the sheet into those plastic sheet protectors. I got to Oakland and none of my partners were going to be there. I had hoped they would be there just one of them. I had to walk about the block two times to get up the courage to do it. I decided to hand out some tracts and then I witnessed to a Asian guy to help me get into the swing of things. I set up my stool and could not get up on that stool. I picked up the stool and walked around the block again. I prayed God give my your spirit and transform me. Well a guy asked me for Change and I told him that I did not have any I had given it to the Marines at Walmart. I had a $20 bill and thought that is not change. I should have given him some money. (the sermon on the mount says I should and I did not) I then came back to the intersection that I was going to preach at and the spot that I feel comfortable in is under construction. So then I spent time thinking about where to setup. Finally I just walked over and put the stool down and got on top. Then I was asked by a guy if I needed help. He thought I was putting the papers in my hand on the pole. I thanked him.
I have not shook like this in a long time. Matthew 5-7 takes a long time to read. I had my bullhorn in my bag and a mic that i hold in my hand and I was reading along. It was hard to see the paper with my hand shacking. I was glad it was not the small print of the Bible. I did not look up I just had the 240 Watt bullhorn up to 8 it goes from 0-10 and read. My hand hurt from pushing the button and my mouth went totally dry. When I was done I got down and was afriad I would fall down. There was a group in a mini van behind me that had watched this entire thing. They called me over and wanted to know what I was up to. They said that they could not hear but were amazed at what I was doing. They wanted to know what I had been saying up there. They told me that they wanted to walk up to me and have me turn around but they did not want to scare me. Praise the Lord that they did not tape me on the shoulder or come up to me I might have fainted. I pulled the printout out of the sheet protectors and gave it to one of the girls and she started to read it. I handed out gospel tracts to everyone else in the van and they were very excited. I then walked straight to my car and another person came up to me and I gave them a gospel tract too. I turned out to be quite the curiosity. I must have shook for an hour afterward.
I went to my moms house and before I walked in I said I am not going to witness to anyone tonight. I do not want to upset anyone on their birthday. I had my What if shirt on and did not think about that. My mothers roommate whom I have never witnessed to asked me What if what? I told her What if you died today would you go to heaven or Hell. She pointed up and said I hope. I said Wow. that is it. I am prepared to give a reason for the hope that is within me. I did not. It was her birthday and I thought I did not come here to upset her. Then I went into the bathroom to pray and ask for forgiveness. How cruel not to tell her she is not going to heaven. I had my chance and did not. Ten minutes later my aunt asks me the same thing. I said what if you died today what would happen? she said oh wow. I did not witness to my unsaved aunt. The entire reason I made this tie dye What if shirt is so my loved ones would bring up the things of God and it had worked and I did not witness to them.
Accourding to the sermon on the mount I can not judge anyone that does not witness since I had my chance to witness to the two people who have been on my heart and I did not. Judge not others or you will be judged by that same standard. I did not witness to them. I have to repent and witness to them. It was a night of fear for me.
It brings tears to my eyes. I am humbled.
I have not shook like this in a long time. Matthew 5-7 takes a long time to read. I had my bullhorn in my bag and a mic that i hold in my hand and I was reading along. It was hard to see the paper with my hand shacking. I was glad it was not the small print of the Bible. I did not look up I just had the 240 Watt bullhorn up to 8 it goes from 0-10 and read. My hand hurt from pushing the button and my mouth went totally dry. When I was done I got down and was afriad I would fall down. There was a group in a mini van behind me that had watched this entire thing. They called me over and wanted to know what I was up to. They said that they could not hear but were amazed at what I was doing. They wanted to know what I had been saying up there. They told me that they wanted to walk up to me and have me turn around but they did not want to scare me. Praise the Lord that they did not tape me on the shoulder or come up to me I might have fainted. I pulled the printout out of the sheet protectors and gave it to one of the girls and she started to read it. I handed out gospel tracts to everyone else in the van and they were very excited. I then walked straight to my car and another person came up to me and I gave them a gospel tract too. I turned out to be quite the curiosity. I must have shook for an hour afterward.
I went to my moms house and before I walked in I said I am not going to witness to anyone tonight. I do not want to upset anyone on their birthday. I had my What if shirt on and did not think about that. My mothers roommate whom I have never witnessed to asked me What if what? I told her What if you died today would you go to heaven or Hell. She pointed up and said I hope. I said Wow. that is it. I am prepared to give a reason for the hope that is within me. I did not. It was her birthday and I thought I did not come here to upset her. Then I went into the bathroom to pray and ask for forgiveness. How cruel not to tell her she is not going to heaven. I had my chance and did not. Ten minutes later my aunt asks me the same thing. I said what if you died today what would happen? she said oh wow. I did not witness to my unsaved aunt. The entire reason I made this tie dye What if shirt is so my loved ones would bring up the things of God and it had worked and I did not witness to them.
Accourding to the sermon on the mount I can not judge anyone that does not witness since I had my chance to witness to the two people who have been on my heart and I did not. Judge not others or you will be judged by that same standard. I did not witness to them. I have to repent and witness to them. It was a night of fear for me.
It brings tears to my eyes. I am humbled.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Advertisement for God

I found an advertisement on my driveway in a bag with rocks in it. I thought I could do that with million dollar bills. People that are really scared could do that and drive around at 2am in the morning and through them onto peoples driveways. That is what they do for the hair cutting places why not for the gospel. It is legal.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Check Out Girl

Today I went shopping and the checkout lady was bummed about having to work today. It was beautiful outside. She had off yesterday and it was raining and not so nice. I gave her a million dollar bill I told her I hoped it would make her feel better she said yes. She laughed and put it aside to read later. You can go to and click on store and they have tons of great gospel tracts that are fun and people ask for more. I did not say anything to that women but I can now pray for her to read it later and get saved.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Hartwood Acres
We went to Hartwood Acres today to teach the kids how to ride bikes and such. While we were there I handed out Gospel tracts. It seems that it is very hard to give gospel tracts to those that believe they can buy everything and they have enough money to buy whatever they need.
The one issue is that you can not bribe a Good Judge. They would not accept the gospel tracts and so they did not read and see that they were in trouble. Some people do not realize that they are blessed with little and that is a blessing indeed.
Had they read the gospel tracts they would have read the following.
The Million dollar question will you go to heaven when you die? Here's a quick test. have you ever told a lie, stolen anything, or used God's name in vain? Jesus said whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultry with her in his heart. Have you look with lust?Will you be guilty on Judgement day? If you have done those things GOD sees you as a lying theiving blasphemous adulterer at heart. the bible Warns that if you are guilty you will end up in hell. God is not willing that any perish. He sent his son to suffer and die on the cross for sinners. We broke God's law but Jesus paid our fine. That means he can legally dismiss our case. He can commute our death sentence. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believed in him should not perish but have everlasting life." Then he rose from the dead and defeated death. Please repent(turn from sin) today and God will grant everlasting life to all who trust in Jesus. Then read your Bibole daily and obey it.
Many will not take a Gospel tract since they believe they have everything. Many believe they are too smart to believe in Jesus. Pride will put many people into Hell.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Why we go out
1 Peter 4 1-11
Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you. But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to men in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit.
The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you. But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to men in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit.
The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Tony Knows
Tony knew the gospel. His Mother was an evangalist. Tony is not born again. He knew that he was not a good person and that he had broken the 10 commandments. He knew he was going to go to hell but he was not ready to recieve Jesus's payment on the cross for his sins. He was not ready to repent and trust in Jesus. We Prayed for Tony he is part of a civil rights case right now. He was glad to have the prayers.
John asked to come with me to Oakland to witness and I was not going to say no. This is him writing with chalk on the sidewalk near the benches. WWW.NEEDGOD.COM. He had a great time and asked me if he could go the next time I went out. I told him that he certianly could. John handed out about 50 gospel tracts. This was the first time that he asked to go out with me.
That unclean donkey is yourself! (Charles Spurgeon)
"You must redeem the firstborn donkey with a lamb. But if you do not redeem it--you must kill the donkey by breaking its neck!" Exodus 34:20
Every firstborn creature must be the Lord's--but since the donkey was unclean, it could not be presented in sacrifice to Him. What then? Should it be allowed to go free from the universal law? By no means! God admits of no exceptions. The donkey is His due--but He will not accept it; He will not abate the claim--but yet He cannot be pleased with the unclean victim. No way of escape remained, but redemption--the donkey must be saved by the substitution of a lamb in its place; or if not redeemed, it must die!
My soul, here is a lesson for you! That unclean donkey is yourself! You are justly the property of the Lord who made you and preserves you--but you are so sinful that God will not, cannot, accept you! It has come to this--the Lamb of God must stand in your stead--or you must die eternally! Let all the world know of your gratitude to that spotless Lamb who has died for you, and so redeemed you from the fatal curse of the law!
Must it not sometimes have been a question with the Israelite, as to which should die--the donkey or the lamb? Would not the man pause to estimate and compare the values of these animals? Assuredly there was no comparison between the value of a sinful man--and the spotless Lord Jesus! Yet the Lamb dies--and man the donkey is spared! My soul, admire the boundless love of God to you! Vile worms are bought--with the blood of the holy Lamb of God! Dust and ashes are redeemed--with a price far above silver and gold! What a doom would have been mine--had not plenteous redemption been found!
The breaking of the neck of the donkey was but a momentary penalty. But who shall measure the eternal wrath to come--to which no limit can be imagined! Inestimably dear is the glorious Lamb--who has redeemed me from such a doom!
Every firstborn creature must be the Lord's--but since the donkey was unclean, it could not be presented in sacrifice to Him. What then? Should it be allowed to go free from the universal law? By no means! God admits of no exceptions. The donkey is His due--but He will not accept it; He will not abate the claim--but yet He cannot be pleased with the unclean victim. No way of escape remained, but redemption--the donkey must be saved by the substitution of a lamb in its place; or if not redeemed, it must die!
My soul, here is a lesson for you! That unclean donkey is yourself! You are justly the property of the Lord who made you and preserves you--but you are so sinful that God will not, cannot, accept you! It has come to this--the Lamb of God must stand in your stead--or you must die eternally! Let all the world know of your gratitude to that spotless Lamb who has died for you, and so redeemed you from the fatal curse of the law!
Must it not sometimes have been a question with the Israelite, as to which should die--the donkey or the lamb? Would not the man pause to estimate and compare the values of these animals? Assuredly there was no comparison between the value of a sinful man--and the spotless Lord Jesus! Yet the Lamb dies--and man the donkey is spared! My soul, admire the boundless love of God to you! Vile worms are bought--with the blood of the holy Lamb of God! Dust and ashes are redeemed--with a price far above silver and gold! What a doom would have been mine--had not plenteous redemption been found!
The breaking of the neck of the donkey was but a momentary penalty. But who shall measure the eternal wrath to come--to which no limit can be imagined! Inestimably dear is the glorious Lamb--who has redeemed me from such a doom!
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