Another semester over and God did many wonderful things this month. Our Bible Study grew this month. Here are some of the students that attend the CCN Bible Study at SRU. I had Matt and Zane join me at SRU one day in April and they open aired on the campus. We had a silent witness protest which was interesting because the protest is supposed to be about hate speech. However, we never mentioned homosexuality. We never said anything hateful. In fact Matt spent the first 5 minutes of the protest explaining that he loved them. They refused to face the person that was preaching and they would not answer questions or speak. It interesting thing is that they draw a huge crowd for people to hear the gospel. They think they are hindering the gospel but really they are gathering a crowd to hear the gospel. Here is a picture of Matt walking around to the other side to see if they will turn their backs on him again.

You can see the face of one of the young ladies and her name is Ally. I witnessed to her the day before this. I gave her a million dollar bill and she said that she is having a bad day every time she sees me. I asked her if she was a good person. I asked her if she had told a lie, stolen anything. I told her that if you lust after a person God sees that as adultery and if you hate a person you have murdered them in your heart. I explained that she would stand before God one day and he would judge her for each time she broke Gods law. I then explained that God was rich in mercy and died on the cross in her place if she would repent and trust Jesus paid the fine for her. Jesus rose from the grave 3 days later because death could not hold him since he never sinned. I prayed for her. I gave her a big hug and she thanked me. To see her the very next day protesting the gospel was very interesting. After the preaching was over she walked over and talked to us. She said that we were very loving and that she appreciated the message that was given.
One of my students at SRU was so moved by the protest the he got up and open air'd on campus. Those that professed to be atheists clapped after he was done sharing his faith. They thought it took real boldness for a SRU student to get up in such a climate and say that they believe in the truth of the Bible.
Another young man named Josh stopped by after the preaching. He saw the 180movie.com sticker on the preaching box and stopped to say what a great movie that was. I told him that I had organized the group on campus that handed those out. He was like the group that had different stations around campus? I said yes. He said did you hand out EvolutionvsGod DVD too. I said I had organized that outreach as well. He reached into his bag and asked if I had handed out "God has a wonderful plan" as well. I said that I had since the larger version of that book is how I got saved. Josh said that book revolutionized everything for him. Because of that book he paid for the Online School of Biblical Evangelism and was on lesson 40. I told him that I was going over that in Bible Study on Wednesdays and he was very excited. He brought friends with him to Bible Study.
This past week he went out witnessing with me at SRU and here is him witnessing to fellow students on campus. He said he had wanted to share his faith but was too nervous to start it out. He thanked me for pushing him to share his faith. Josh was excited that he would be able to followup with the students that he had talked to and excited that it was so easy to start conversations about Jesus. Here is Josh witnessing on the right.

We had an intern this semester. Here you can see Matt teaching the Bible Study. At CCN we want to teach the students to be able to do all the things that the Campus Leader can do. Matt wrote up Bible studies this semester and he taught one. He did a great job. His advisor was very happy with the internship.

I also joined Matt and Zane at a few other campuses this semester. I went to IUP and to University of California with them. Both campuses were great since they do not weekly get gospel tracts. I was able to witness 1 - 2 - 1 to at least 20 people at each campus. It was wonderful to have fellowship of sharing your faith with Matt and Zane.

The gentleman in the picture above believed that he was going to go to heaven because he was serving his country as a soldier. I thanked him for doing so but explained that his sin would keep him out of heaven and that all of his good deeds could not make up for all of his sins. He was interested in the gospel. Pray that he repents and puts his faith that Jesus is fully God and full man. That Jesus lived a perfect life and never broke any of the 10 commandments. Jesus allowed himself to die on the cross for the sins of those that repent and trust him. Then 3 days later Jesus rose from the grave.
Also pray for all of the people that heard the gospel this month. Pray that the students that protested listened to the message of love that was preached to them.
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