I talked to a women whose name I believe was Natia. She had a beautiful accent. I asked her if she died today would she go to heaven or hell? She said that she did not know. I said ok well let me give you the test so you can see how you would do. I asked her have you ever told a lie? she said no. I asked her is she had ever stolen and she said no. I asked her if she had hated someone and she said yes. I told her that
the Bible tells us that if you hate someone you have murdered them in your heart and if you Lust after someone you have committed adultry with them in your heart. I asked her if God judged you by the 10 commandments would you be innocent or guilty? She said she would be guilty. I asked her would she go to heaven or hell and she said she would go to hell. I asked her if that concerned her and she said it did. I asked her if she knew what God did so she did not have to go to hell and she did not know. I told her that God sent his only son Jesus Christ to live a perfect life and that he was innocent and fully God and died on the cross her her. I told her that she broke Gods law and that Jesus pays the fine. I asked if she know how to get that payment and she said no. I told her that if she was in a court room and was guilty and someone pays your fain what would they say to her afterward. She said she did not know. I told her they would say do not do that again. I just paid the fine for that. I told her that was what repentance was and that you also had to have faith and believe that Jesus was God and that he paid the fine and that she had to live her life as if she believed that. I told her that God wrote her 66 love letters and that if her lover had written 66 love letters he would be mad if when he saw her she did not read them. I told her to read her Bible and obey what it said. I asked if she had any questions and she said.
So I am free and clear and no guilt can I keep this million dollar bill as a momento? I told her she could absolutly keep the million dollar bill and she walked away and I just stood there stunned.
What a wonderful day for the Lord. I pray for this young lady.